Our Curriculum

At Crossroads Academy, we offer a skills-based, thematic curriculum with emphasis on active child-centered learning experiences. Curriculum is planned around children's interests, curiosity and their natural quest for knowledge; leading to inquiry, investigations, discovery and active hands-on explorations. Children’s developmental abilities are assessed and individualized activities are planned to meet each child’s needs. Our lessons focus on one of the following skills:

 · Gross motor   · Fine motor   · Language   · Cognitive   · Social   · Emotional

Our students will learn through directed learning activities, play, exploration centers, physical development, thematic activities, instructional materials and books. Our students will experience structured play during center time, small and large group, individual acceleration or remediation as well as resource time (music, Chapel and/or Library). Daily playground (or gym) time and snack are included in the classroom schedule.  While we strive to help children become ready for school (shapes, letters, numbers, sounds, etc.), our main goal is to share God’s love and basic Biblical principles with each family.

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General Concepts for Each Age Group

  • Preschool Ones: Basic Biblical principles - God loves me, God made me special, God loves my family, God loves my friends, etc.
  • Preschool Twos: Colors, shapes, counting, beginning number/letter recognition
  • Preschool Threes: Review colors and shapes, number/letter recognition, counting, patterns, multi-step tasks, begin handwriting (including holding the pencil correctly and attempting to write)
  • Preschool Fours: A "Letter" each week (full immersion with art, music, books, show and tell, writing, etc. focusing on that letter), continue number/letter writing, beginner word recognition, preparing children to listen and wait their turn as they will need to do in Kindergarten.